Hey Everyone,

    I'm by no means a pro at kernel building but I've put lots of effort into this kernel so I thought I'd share it with you. After a very long inner conflict period I've decided to post in the android development forum instead of the original android development. I've included features of my own as well as patches and other features of many other top notch kernel developers. I would prefer if you make your way over to my source (link below) and read the commits so you can get to know them and how they have contributed but alas I not that naive enough to think any of you really would actually go and do that so I've included a nice feature list in post 2 with proper credits (at least for the big stuff).

    I frequently get asked if this kernel works with CM or other AOSP projects. The answer is YES! I haven't found a ROM yet that won't boot with this kernel. If you happened to find a ROM that doesn't like this kernel let me know and I'll see if I can figure out a solution to fix it!

    That being said, even though I don't post anything unless it works (in this case on most if not all ROMs) I still don't want to be liable for user errors. In other words, if you flash one of these Kernels your warranty is void and I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any data loss or bricked devices etc.

Linaro 4.8.3 Nightlies

Linaro 4.7.4 Nightlies

Comprehensive Changelog

If you are unsatisfied with UBER you can uninstall it. Here is the link to the uninstaller http://d-h.st/6cl
Installation Instructions

1. For best results a install these kernel after a fresh ROM install (although it still should work if you don't do that)
2. Reboot into recovery (needs to be N5 AOSP 4.4.2 compatible)
3. Flash Kernel Zip
4. Reboot and let Settle for ~10 minutes
5. Install Trickster MOD from the App Store for access to all of the options (or you can use something else). Don't forget to set on boot!
6. Enjoy!!! :)    SPECIAL THANKS TO:

    Dennis Rassmann - for all of his kernel work. I'm in love with all of his features and you'll find them all in my kernel.
    Ayysir - for his wonderful tutorial on making a bash script to build kernels.
    Other great kernel devs - I cherry-pick work of all of the kernel greats!
    Google - for kernel base and AOSP!
    LG - for manufacturing this awesome phone!

    UBER Kernel sources can be found at https://github.com/Cl3Kener/UBER-N5

    Informational Links
    Comprehensive Guide to Android Development
    Here is a fantastic guide on "Innards" of Kernels
    Building a Bash Script to make Kernels


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